so this is how it went. we were suppose to meet the boys yesterday morning about 9. they were going to bring them here to the guest house we are staying at and they would be ours... FOREVER!!! needless to say we did not sleep much monday night. we played all kinds of scenarios in our heads; what to do when we first saw them, what to say, should we run at them, or is a 6'7" white guy doing a world cup 'goal' scream running at you too much for the first 5 seconds of our new relationship?... so many questions
then we realized that with all our planning to entertain the boys on the way home, we had not thought past what to do after the first 5 minutes of seeing them face to face... no balls, no blocks, no toy of any kind to help begin the next 12 hours of waking life... (they are after all 3 and 5... and they are boys... and we don't speak the same language... so long talks over warm cups of chai about their past experiences and future hopes and dreams seemed a little naive)... we needed toys!!!
so, tuesday morning, i grabbed breakfast and then made a quick sprint out to town.. .and, as luck would have it, a small shop just down the street happened to have 2 soccer balls... a small and a medium. imagine that, finding a soccer ball over here in the middle of the world cup... who da' thought it?
it was very surreal and took a second to remember what we were going to do at this point... i was tripping over my feet to get to them, trying to pull out the flipvideo, diana was heading for the boys, but had the camera and we were both like... do we film, hug, hold, shake hands, snap photos... so we did it all (sorry cassie, these first photos may just be of the floor) BUT THERE THEY WERE!!!
as we knelt down beside them... one of the coolest things ever happened... the oldest, surafeal (asher) was carrying a gallon zip lock bag that i recognized as the bag that carried our last care package to them. he reached inside, pulled out a small stack of photos we had sent, looked up, and then said... DAD... and pointed at my picture... then he said... MOM... and pointed at diana's picture... then he said... SEEESTER LEEELEE...and pointed at Lilly's picture. we were completely captured (as if that were ever in question)... little gebremedhin (will) then took the pictures and did the same... AWESOME!!!
we gave them each their soccer ball and it was on instantly... we went straight out to the courtyard of the guesthouse where diana and i quickly found out we were by far the worst soccer players present... and so it was on.
there was so much happening.. and there is no way to put it all here but i will try to give a running list of highlights for you to give you a taste... so here we go...
-played soccer in the courtyard for about 20 minutes
-came inside and began drawing pictures
-surafeal (asher) counted to 30
-both said their abc's... sweet
-back out to the courtyard for more soccer
-back in for what turned out to be a competitive eater's version of a box of animal crackers.
-back out to the courtyard for more soccer
-upstairs to see the room for the first time.
-gave them their back packs and blankets (oh my gosh, emily/lindsey... GOOOOAAAAALLLLL!!!) they still haven't taken them off...
-packed and repacked the backpacks 20 times... just like their sister.
-came down for lunch.. spaghetti with tomato sauce... ate like champs (especially the bread)
-back out to the courtyard for more soccer
-THE BOYS SAY... I LUB YOU for the first time!!! WE LUB THEM TOO!!!
-back up to the room for more backpack fun
-HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY... ASHER 5, walks over to me in the room, grabs my hand, looks up at me, and then says... wait for it... wait for it... TOILET? TOILET?... YES!!!! he can tell us he needs to GO! GREAT MOMENT... just sayin.
-LOWLIGHT OF THE DAY... while asher is on the TOILET, will is so focused on his crayons and coloring book he just decides to 'go' right in the floor. not so sweeeeeet. just #1 though, so no prob.
-will later did go #2... but made it to the TOILET this time.
-tried for a nap... small meltdown with will, but finally crashed out and slept.
-back down for supper... fish and more spaghetti... great eaters.. .their grandparents will be proud.
-back up to the room for BATHTIME... THIS WAS CRAZY... IT WAS LIKE A DAY OUT AT A WATERPARK!!! uncle bill and aunt linda, get the pool ready, i think we have a couple of waterbugs.
-couple of bumps in the learning to share... acted just like some brothers i used to know (tim and silas... gosh)... only one or two punches, slaps, and wrestling matches... but lots of hugs after that...
-finally time for prayer and bed
-and then sleep.
there is sooooooo much more to tell and so much we have left out. there have been some interesting moments in our 'getting to know you' stage... and i am sure there will be many more, but they seem to be just little boys... our boys!
it is still overwhelming, humbling, exciting, scary, crazy, awesome, and all of those other things... but there has also been a peace and strength from God confirming and encouraging us that this IS the journey we were called to and God is at work right here, right now, in us, and with us.
what we are sure of is that what God has called us to, he will see to its end, and he has had a hand in this from so much farther ahead than we could have known, preparing our hearts and minds for this thing he has brought us to now. not only us, but lilly too.
our devotion time on tuesday, july 6th, we read oswald chambers (my utmost for his highest) and it was just a powerful moment for both of us in an anxious moment... God reminding us that this is HIS deal and we have been invited to it, and our response is to HIM as he reveals himself and walks us thru the visions he has planted in us.
i really encourage all of you to check it out...
it has just been so amazing to watch God do what He does... blow our minds... and we are speechless and without any proper response but to say... you are God, you are Christ, you are Love, you are Life, you're Salvation, Hope has come, you are Him, You're the One... YOU ARE GOD!!!
oh yeah... DAY 2 QUICK NOTE...
-everything at the embassy went totally smooth today.
-will DID pee in the floor while we were there, but it was on american soil... and i am trying to make that make it ok in my head.
-the boys took a 3 HOUR NAP TODAY... AWESOME FOR EVERYONE!!! and are asleep now.
too much to say... we will tell more later... love you.
seriously check out oswald... july 6 ... and 7 if you have time. both very encouraging for us.
Friday, July 30, 2010
journal... 36 hours before meeting our boys
Wow. It was not so long ago we were counting down the days and now we are literally counting down the hours. It seems so surreal that in just a few short hours we will be with the boys.
We are entering a new level of overwhelmed and have spent much of the day thinking and talking of all the things that brought us to this point.
-that crazy day 10 years ago when Diana first dropped the news that she was going to adopt in a whole other country... that most of us had never even heard of (you know who you are)
-then this little girl showed up and blew our minds.
-there was that awkward day in a mexican restaurant when I asked this hot chick if we could 'hang out' more... Like date and stuff... And I got nothing but crickets... Chirp Chirp. But she Came around.
-there were our adventures to Kandaria with a few crazy teams of people and even crazier moments (that I will not get into now) that made coming back to 'africa' not seem overwhelming.
-there was an amazing year and a half with Sam that cemented in our hearts a passion for children that we could have never imagined existed and now only continues to grow. We thought we had that heart, but now it is greater than ever as is our love, hope, and prayers for Sam. He is purposed for something great and we are praying toward that.
-then there was that first day we saw Asher and Will on the waiting children list... And they stole our hearts just like Lilly did with diana. Weeks and prayers later, they were still there waiting and now both sides only have a few more hours.
There is so much more to this story and all of you have played a huge role in one way or another. Thank you for walking this path with us.
We are entering a new level of overwhelmed and have spent much of the day thinking and talking of all the things that brought us to this point.
-that crazy day 10 years ago when Diana first dropped the news that she was going to adopt in a whole other country... that most of us had never even heard of (you know who you are)
-then this little girl showed up and blew our minds.
-there was that awkward day in a mexican restaurant when I asked this hot chick if we could 'hang out' more... Like date and stuff... And I got nothing but crickets... Chirp Chirp. But she Came around.
-there were our adventures to Kandaria with a few crazy teams of people and even crazier moments (that I will not get into now) that made coming back to 'africa' not seem overwhelming.
-there was an amazing year and a half with Sam that cemented in our hearts a passion for children that we could have never imagined existed and now only continues to grow. We thought we had that heart, but now it is greater than ever as is our love, hope, and prayers for Sam. He is purposed for something great and we are praying toward that.
-then there was that first day we saw Asher and Will on the waiting children list... And they stole our hearts just like Lilly did with diana. Weeks and prayers later, they were still there waiting and now both sides only have a few more hours.
There is so much more to this story and all of you have played a huge role in one way or another. Thank you for walking this path with us.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
like... everything has a 'like'... like, right?
"like... everything has a like... like right?"
i can almost hear these words rolling out of a teenagers mouth between bubble gum bubbles popping, with their head cocked slightly to the right and a little bit of a confused look on their face... or maybe just the honest question of a 5 year old (pretty much the same... like right ?).
no doubt i would have a confused look too until i realized what was being asked. the question is, "everything has a comparison... a "like"... right?"
coke is "like" ... crazy bubbling sugar water in your mouth.
OR... man, that felt "like" the time grandma hit me with the broom trying to kill that bat i brought home.
OR... it feels "like" it is about to rain
you get the picture...
comparison... it is how we communicate present circumstances based on passed experiences to help people take ownership in a moment. we all do it and sometimes it is quite accurate... "like" about a year ago when diana and lilly and i were in DICKS SPORTING GOODS walking around "like" 3 kids in a candy store. lilly and diana were walking by a mannequin being used to model UNDERARMOUR sports clothing. if you have not seen these mannequins, then you may not be able to grasp the truth and impact of what happened next... but these guys are RIPPED... "like", their muscles have muscles that have muscles that are on steroids. but anyway, lilly walks by, sees these "MAN"nequins, turns to diana and says... his muscles are "like" almost as big as dads!!! so true my child... so true... haha
but what about when these comparisons begin to fall apart or just do not do justice to the moment, person, or circumstance. i mean... it is the best we have right? but, there are times when we just do not have the words or even the past experiences to try to find words to compare with...
like tonight ... when i watched diana hold lilly and rock her to sleep in tears as the enormity of how our lives are about to change set in on an 8 year old mind. those were tears like... i dont know what they are like... it was like whatever the thing is that makes a daddy desparately want to fix everything for his little girl or make her not scared, but knowing this was bigger than what i had to offer on my own... it pulled and pressed on my heart "like" even I have not felt before. i wanted to reach into her little mind and put everything at ease or understand what she must be feeling about all that is about to happen, but i had nothing... so i did the only thing i knew to do.
i reached my arm around both of them and prayed to the only ONE i know that understands those moments that leave us with no words or comparisons or even response... the moments when we have no experience to call on or human means to 'fix' it with...
scripture in ISAIAH 40:25-26 tells of a God who knows the unique circumstance of being uncompareable, indescribable, beyond words, thought, or measure... check this out..
25 "To whom will you compare me?
Or who is my equal?" says the Holy One.
25-26"So—who is like me?
Who holds a candle to me?" says The Holy.
Look at the night skies:
Who do you think made all this?
Who marches this army of stars out each night,
counts them off, calls each by name
—so magnificent! so powerful!—
and never overlooks a single one?
i LOVE THIS!!! the God beyond compare who does God stuff beyond compare... who exists in and creates the moments that we can't even make up much less find a "like" for... or some human words or actions to try to describe or manipulate the situation. moments like those require a God who can go places we can't see or haven't even dreamed exist and do things we didn't even know NEEDED done, much less how to do them. i want THAT God... i NEED that God...
a God that is BIGGER than my biggest BIG, GREATER than my greatest GREAT, ... just without compare. that was the God i wanted tonight wrapping up my little girls heart and holding my entire family for the rest of our lives.
we are in the midst of days where it feels "like" these moments are coming faster than we can process them... each one new, different than any emotion we have to draw on from the past, exciting "like" nothing i can remember or imagine. it is a little crazy, a lot humbling, very exciting...
and in a few days we will meet and hold our boys for the first time, and a few days after that we will bring them home to their sister and their new home and new family and life... and again, there will be no words, no metaphors, no comparisons, no "likes" ... that make sense or fit. but there WILL BE a God... that is beyond words, beyond metaphors, without comparison, without "LIKE"... right there penning the whole thing and smiling... 'like' an excited dad watching His kids getting to experience the thing He loves most and that He used to reconnect creation to creator...
thank you God that you exist in the places that i don't have words for, the moments i can't get to or reach... that you are big enough to march the stars out at night, call them by name, and put them in a place that leaves the human spirit in awe... and that you are mindful of me and my family ... and have invited us into this story... next chapter... "like" ... let's go!!!
i can almost hear these words rolling out of a teenagers mouth between bubble gum bubbles popping, with their head cocked slightly to the right and a little bit of a confused look on their face... or maybe just the honest question of a 5 year old (pretty much the same... like right ?).
no doubt i would have a confused look too until i realized what was being asked. the question is, "everything has a comparison... a "like"... right?"
coke is "like" ... crazy bubbling sugar water in your mouth.
OR... man, that felt "like" the time grandma hit me with the broom trying to kill that bat i brought home.
OR... it feels "like" it is about to rain
you get the picture...
comparison... it is how we communicate present circumstances based on passed experiences to help people take ownership in a moment. we all do it and sometimes it is quite accurate... "like" about a year ago when diana and lilly and i were in DICKS SPORTING GOODS walking around "like" 3 kids in a candy store. lilly and diana were walking by a mannequin being used to model UNDERARMOUR sports clothing. if you have not seen these mannequins, then you may not be able to grasp the truth and impact of what happened next... but these guys are RIPPED... "like", their muscles have muscles that have muscles that are on steroids. but anyway, lilly walks by, sees these "MAN"nequins, turns to diana and says... his muscles are "like" almost as big as dads!!! so true my child... so true... haha
but what about when these comparisons begin to fall apart or just do not do justice to the moment, person, or circumstance. i mean... it is the best we have right? but, there are times when we just do not have the words or even the past experiences to try to find words to compare with...
like tonight ... when i watched diana hold lilly and rock her to sleep in tears as the enormity of how our lives are about to change set in on an 8 year old mind. those were tears like... i dont know what they are like... it was like whatever the thing is that makes a daddy desparately want to fix everything for his little girl or make her not scared, but knowing this was bigger than what i had to offer on my own... it pulled and pressed on my heart "like" even I have not felt before. i wanted to reach into her little mind and put everything at ease or understand what she must be feeling about all that is about to happen, but i had nothing... so i did the only thing i knew to do.
i reached my arm around both of them and prayed to the only ONE i know that understands those moments that leave us with no words or comparisons or even response... the moments when we have no experience to call on or human means to 'fix' it with...
scripture in ISAIAH 40:25-26 tells of a God who knows the unique circumstance of being uncompareable, indescribable, beyond words, thought, or measure... check this out..
25 "To whom will you compare me?
Or who is my equal?" says the Holy One.
26 Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:
Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one,
and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing.
25-26"So—who is like me?
Who holds a candle to me?" says The Holy.
Look at the night skies:
Who do you think made all this?
Who marches this army of stars out each night,
counts them off, calls each by name
—so magnificent! so powerful!—
and never overlooks a single one?
i LOVE THIS!!! the God beyond compare who does God stuff beyond compare... who exists in and creates the moments that we can't even make up much less find a "like" for... or some human words or actions to try to describe or manipulate the situation. moments like those require a God who can go places we can't see or haven't even dreamed exist and do things we didn't even know NEEDED done, much less how to do them. i want THAT God... i NEED that God...
a God that is BIGGER than my biggest BIG, GREATER than my greatest GREAT, ... just without compare. that was the God i wanted tonight wrapping up my little girls heart and holding my entire family for the rest of our lives.
we are in the midst of days where it feels "like" these moments are coming faster than we can process them... each one new, different than any emotion we have to draw on from the past, exciting "like" nothing i can remember or imagine. it is a little crazy, a lot humbling, very exciting...
and in a few days we will meet and hold our boys for the first time, and a few days after that we will bring them home to their sister and their new home and new family and life... and again, there will be no words, no metaphors, no comparisons, no "likes" ... that make sense or fit. but there WILL BE a God... that is beyond words, beyond metaphors, without comparison, without "LIKE"... right there penning the whole thing and smiling... 'like' an excited dad watching His kids getting to experience the thing He loves most and that He used to reconnect creation to creator...
thank you God that you exist in the places that i don't have words for, the moments i can't get to or reach... that you are big enough to march the stars out at night, call them by name, and put them in a place that leaves the human spirit in awe... and that you are mindful of me and my family ... and have invited us into this story... next chapter... "like" ... let's go!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
confessions of an awkward dad ... or ... Love Wins

and so our days have been filled with lists... check off lists, to do lists, to pack lists, not to do lists, to do when we get back lists, to do while we are there lists, lists about which list we should start with each day, prayer lists, food lists, lilly lists, and a list of apology notes we still need to write to all the people who have had one or more of their personal possessions chewed up, eaten, or carried off by our 900lb. yellow horse of a Lab. (actually my wife is making all the lists... thanks babe)
anyway... with all of that said, the thing that dominates our thoughts and conversations of our family are not lists... but just the boys, Asher & Will, who are just a couple of weeks from having their whole lives flipped on end. people have been so kind and encouraging with words, and without fail we always seem to get things said to us like... 'your whole world is about to change' or 'life will never be the same at your house' or 'lilly and diana better watch out, the men are taking over...' (and that is true, or at least they will let us think that) but the real truth is that, MY WHOLE WORLD is not about to change and there will be parts of MY LIFE that WILL BE THE SAME. i will sleep in the same bed, live at the same house, eat a lot of the same foods, go to a lot of the same places i have been before with a lot of the same people... and this is no knock on those statements, b/c i say them myself... and i love that people are putting themselves in OUR shoes and are imagining how this whole thing might look for us... but the greatest life shift, by far, will be for the boys.
diana and lilly and i have had a hundred conversations about what their little hearts and minds will be going through b/c their whole world IS about to change... and life will NEVER BE THE SAME from anything they remember up to this point.
we have tried to imagine how communication will work (since they will not speak english and are too young to read) ... do we use signs, pictures, signals, morse code... i find myself daydreaming about simple bathroom scenarios with the boys trying to tell me what they need and me looking like a major league catcher sending pitch signals to my superstar pitcher... '1 finger means tinkle, 2 fingers means... well, it means the ol # 2, and i guess 5 fingers means.... too late, already finished. CLEAN UP ON AISLE 6.
or what about those awkward moments that can be so crushing or embarrassing... or just ... AWKWARD. i mean, we've all been there, right? ... like forgetting your future mother-in-laws name at dinner, credit card decline at toys-R-them during the Christmas line season, forgetting how to back a trailer at the lake while other boaters are waiting on you to get out of the way, getting caught picking your nose, getting caught picking a wedge, tripping over air (you know who you are), pulling up to the wrong side of a gas pump at a busy station then trying to hold your place and your temper while you turn around, having to yell for toilet paper at a friends house b/c you didn't notice the roll was out... or worse yet running the toilet over at a friends house (especially like a girlfriend or in-laws) while you stand above it trying to use your jedi powers, hand motions, and repeated 'no, no, no, stop, stop, stop, please, please, please' to keep the water in place (been there, tell your mom i'm sorry joel). moments like these, if not met with an already founded identity or someone there to laugh WITH you and remind you that these are not the things that define you, could be devastating or at the very least make you self conscious and timid.
or what about when you're scared or hurt but don't know if its ok to cry or have never had those things met with compassion and concern, kindness and gentleness. or what if you're hungry and don't know if its ok to ask for food becuase you have been taught that you those are things you just don't do. who knows what will be in their heads... or in ours in those moments. our hope is that LOVE WILL WIN. that it will cover even those awkward moments when the our hearts are tempted to find their identity in something we were never intended to be defined by. oh how we pray that LOVE WINS. my jesus teaches my that it does. and i am trusting that it will.
so that the first time little WILL (3) forgets where the bathroom is and uses diana's pillow for his 'pee pee place', or ASHER (5) finds himself dressed in a pink tutu playing princess dress up tea party because his older sister LILLY said it was what ALL little boys do ... we can all laugh and grin, hug and wrestle (not on the 'pee' pillow... but you know what i mean) and watch LOVE WIN. that even in the most awkward, strange, or confusing moment... even when we can't say it to each other in a verbal language we understand yet ... LOVE WINS ... and they can rest in that, find peace in that and comfort. (perfect love casts out fear... 1 john) i want to give that to my kids ... and to the world.
so our prayers have been simple and straight forward... from the words paul used in philippians 4... 'rejoice in the Lord always ... let your gentleness be evident to all. THE LORD IS NEAR. do not be anxious for anything ... bring all your requests to God in prayer ... and the PEACE of God that trancends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ.'
we are simply praying that God will bring that peace to them even when they don't really know what is going on... and we are praying that God will bring that peace to diana, lilly, and myself even when we don't know... and that God will guard all of our hearts and minds in Christ... that we can think more like Him, see more like Him, love more like Him, give more like Him, hear more from Him... that our minds and hearts would be completely wrapped up by Him and that our boys can not only experience the love of a family and community, but the love of Christ that 'transcends' language barriers, and chaos and confusion... that goes beyond past hurts or memories and makes way for new starts and adventures... that lets us laugh at ourselves and that turns awkward moments that could easily leave us feeling vulnerable or insecure into humor or learning and bonding experiences together as a family.
thanks again for being on the journey... and today i would simply invite you to add PEACE to your prayer list for asher, will, diana, lilly, myself, and one another... and that all of our hearts and minds would be guarded in Christ until maybe... just maybe... some awkward moment lets us give that peace and love away to someone else.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
milk's expiration date and happy dads
so.... i know i know. my wife did get the blog (or 'blawg' if you hang around with some of our peoples) started then it was suppose to be back to me... and i totally dropped the ball!!! BUT I'M BACK BABY... or, i mean, i am going to get started. (only 2 months down time) and the go time is NOW!!!
there is soooo much craziness around our world right now... GOOD CRAZINESS... but craziness all the same. we are only a few weeks from leaving to pick up our boys in Ethiopia (travel dates = July 1st - 10th) OUR BOYS!!! ASHER AND WILL!!!, school is out for Lilly, i have been working on a new project, and my wife has been busy holding our entire lives together with work, schedules, BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS... (too dramatic?). but let it be known, SHE IS INCREDIBLE!!!
anyhowz... in the midst of the madness, lilly(our 8 year old daughter) and i were making a mad dash thru the local grocery store just the other day to grab some of the essentials that keep life moving around our place... like: bread, soap, diet mt. dew, toilet paper, my hair care products, pickled pigs feet, some of those sticky mouse traps, and of course the mandatory gallon of SKIM milk... (i grew up on whole milk, straight from the cow... literally, but my body type is gradually requiring less 'whole' anything, so i am trying to scale back).
back to the matter at hand though... as we approached the milk, lilly ran ahead yelling at me to hurry up that she wanted to show me something. (we are very easily entertained... i mean, what other 8 year old runs excitedly thru the dairy section longing for a moment of show and tell with her dad?) but, of course, i took 2 hard steps with my buggy and then jumped up on it and rode it like a superhero full speed in her direction.... with hair and cape flowing in the wind, muscles exploding from my shirt sleeves and a... ummm sorry, got carried away again.
HERE IS THE COOL PART THOUGH... as we both arrived out of breath in front of this 'library of lactose', with 100's of gallons of milky white... ummm ... milk, staring back at us, she made this comment with almost giggles of anticipation and excitement in her voice...
'DAD... LET ME MAKE YOU PROUD!!!' and she stood there beaming, then plunged her skinny little arm into the dark reaches of the bottom shelf of skim milk. she was bent over and almost had her whole head out of sight before the top half of her finally reappeared proudly holding a crisp cold gallon of some holstein's finest nectar.
this, of course, was the expiration date of the milk. I reached toward her, grabbed the milk, and then held it up in the air like the lombardi trophy for all the world to see. WAS I PROUD? WAS I PROUD? there are not even words to tell you how proud i was and excited. i announced to the world of Ingles my daughter's my recent glowing success, placed the milk in the buggy, and went straight for the high five/fist pound combo to let her know just how proud i was.
this all probably sounds crazy to you, but here is the deal. for years, i have had a habit of looking thru the gallons of milk for the one gallon whose expiration date is the farthest away. that way, it will last longer in my fridge. those gallons are usually at the back because the grocer naturally wants to sell the ones closest to expiration first. it's one of those quirky little things that some people do and i just happen to be one of those 'some' people. it is almost like a game or competition for me... 'how far ahead can i get the expiration date... 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a full lunar cycle? i love it!!! again, i know this sounds a bit odd, but this is where it gets fun... for me anyway.
you see, at some point in lilly's and my relationship, she had picked up on something that seemingly made me smile. i had not tried to show her or begged her to be a part of my silly little game, she had just observed it and decided that she wanted to play along as well... and somewhere in her 8 year old mind, she had come to a place that SHE was excited about doing something she knew made me smile. she wanted to be a part of something that she knew her DAD loved... and wanted him to be proud...
i think this would be the coolest place to live... the place where we have fallen in love with our DAD (God) knowing how much He has fallen in love with us and done for us... and where we have fallen in love with the things that He loves to do and wants to do inside this human/divine paradox of a relationship... as small, silly, or even huge and massive as these things may be... and we love being a part of His story and running to the dairy aisle yelling... HEY DAD... LET ME MAKE YOU PROUD!!! and it's NOT a performance thing... it is a love thing... that we just fall in love with doing the things He loves and has passed on for us to love too, knowing it is what our true heart desires anyway. and we stand there in the middle of a world who may not fully understand this relationship yet, and we hold our milk up in the air and excitedly announce the expiration date... and our DAD smiles... and winks... and we smile and kind of laugh... then HE gives us a little fist bump as we stroll toward 'self check'.
this is the life i want to live, and i feel like we are getting to do just that. one of the things that scripture talks about frequently is God's heart and passion for orphans. and all of us have been an orphan of some kind at some time. we have all, at the very least, been without the fatherhood of Christ at some point, and others of us even without our earthly fathers. but God has placed this same passion in our hearts to join him on this aisle in life, and reach back into some of the unseen rows of faces and now we are just a few short weeks from traveling to Ethiopia and lifting our 2 new sons (asher and will) up in our arms to hold them for the first time... and i pray that they know how much they are loved... and i can't wait to tell them about another Father that loves them even more than Diana and I.
come on for the journey. we would love for you to be a part of this story too. and, oh yeah... i will be watching for you in the milk aisle... you know you will be checking expiration dates...
there is soooo much craziness around our world right now... GOOD CRAZINESS... but craziness all the same. we are only a few weeks from leaving to pick up our boys in Ethiopia (travel dates = July 1st - 10th) OUR BOYS!!! ASHER AND WILL!!!, school is out for Lilly, i have been working on a new project, and my wife has been busy holding our entire lives together with work, schedules, BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS... (too dramatic?). but let it be known, SHE IS INCREDIBLE!!!
anyhowz... in the midst of the madness, lilly(our 8 year old daughter) and i were making a mad dash thru the local grocery store just the other day to grab some of the essentials that keep life moving around our place... like: bread, soap, diet mt. dew, toilet paper, my hair care products, pickled pigs feet, some of those sticky mouse traps, and of course the mandatory gallon of SKIM milk... (i grew up on whole milk, straight from the cow... literally, but my body type is gradually requiring less 'whole' anything, so i am trying to scale back).
back to the matter at hand though... as we approached the milk, lilly ran ahead yelling at me to hurry up that she wanted to show me something. (we are very easily entertained... i mean, what other 8 year old runs excitedly thru the dairy section longing for a moment of show and tell with her dad?) but, of course, i took 2 hard steps with my buggy and then jumped up on it and rode it like a superhero full speed in her direction.... with hair and cape flowing in the wind, muscles exploding from my shirt sleeves and a... ummm sorry, got carried away again.
HERE IS THE COOL PART THOUGH... as we both arrived out of breath in front of this 'library of lactose', with 100's of gallons of milky white... ummm ... milk, staring back at us, she made this comment with almost giggles of anticipation and excitement in her voice...
'DAD... LET ME MAKE YOU PROUD!!!' and she stood there beaming, then plunged her skinny little arm into the dark reaches of the bottom shelf of skim milk. she was bent over and almost had her whole head out of sight before the top half of her finally reappeared proudly holding a crisp cold gallon of some holstein's finest nectar.
this, of course, was the expiration date of the milk. I reached toward her, grabbed the milk, and then held it up in the air like the lombardi trophy for all the world to see. WAS I PROUD? WAS I PROUD? there are not even words to tell you how proud i was and excited. i announced to the world of Ingles my daughter's my recent glowing success, placed the milk in the buggy, and went straight for the high five/fist pound combo to let her know just how proud i was.
this all probably sounds crazy to you, but here is the deal. for years, i have had a habit of looking thru the gallons of milk for the one gallon whose expiration date is the farthest away. that way, it will last longer in my fridge. those gallons are usually at the back because the grocer naturally wants to sell the ones closest to expiration first. it's one of those quirky little things that some people do and i just happen to be one of those 'some' people. it is almost like a game or competition for me... 'how far ahead can i get the expiration date... 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a full lunar cycle? i love it!!! again, i know this sounds a bit odd, but this is where it gets fun... for me anyway.
you see, at some point in lilly's and my relationship, she had picked up on something that seemingly made me smile. i had not tried to show her or begged her to be a part of my silly little game, she had just observed it and decided that she wanted to play along as well... and somewhere in her 8 year old mind, she had come to a place that SHE was excited about doing something she knew made me smile. she wanted to be a part of something that she knew her DAD loved... and wanted him to be proud...
i think this would be the coolest place to live... the place where we have fallen in love with our DAD (God) knowing how much He has fallen in love with us and done for us... and where we have fallen in love with the things that He loves to do and wants to do inside this human/divine paradox of a relationship... as small, silly, or even huge and massive as these things may be... and we love being a part of His story and running to the dairy aisle yelling... HEY DAD... LET ME MAKE YOU PROUD!!! and it's NOT a performance thing... it is a love thing... that we just fall in love with doing the things He loves and has passed on for us to love too, knowing it is what our true heart desires anyway. and we stand there in the middle of a world who may not fully understand this relationship yet, and we hold our milk up in the air and excitedly announce the expiration date... and our DAD smiles... and winks... and we smile and kind of laugh... then HE gives us a little fist bump as we stroll toward 'self check'.
this is the life i want to live, and i feel like we are getting to do just that. one of the things that scripture talks about frequently is God's heart and passion for orphans. and all of us have been an orphan of some kind at some time. we have all, at the very least, been without the fatherhood of Christ at some point, and others of us even without our earthly fathers. but God has placed this same passion in our hearts to join him on this aisle in life, and reach back into some of the unseen rows of faces and now we are just a few short weeks from traveling to Ethiopia and lifting our 2 new sons (asher and will) up in our arms to hold them for the first time... and i pray that they know how much they are loved... and i can't wait to tell them about another Father that loves them even more than Diana and I.
come on for the journey. we would love for you to be a part of this story too. and, oh yeah... i will be watching for you in the milk aisle... you know you will be checking expiration dates...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
So this whole blog thing was Andrew's idea. He is the writer in the family. This will be my attempt to start us off and hopefully he will take over from this point. As most everyone is aware we are in the process of adopting two little boys from Ethiopia. Today we received our court date! It is April 30th so we are praying that we pass the first time. Often families wait through multiple court dates before passing due to paperwork errors that occur in country. Once we pass court our travel dates should be about 4-6 weeks later. We are very excited and can't wait to get our boys home to meet all their family! Isn't it just the coolest that God gives us family members that extend beyond our blood lines, and that He builds our families in so many different ways? We can't post pictures of the boys until they are officially ours and for now we will just call them "G-man and Surf." The abbreviated names are mostly because we can't pronounce or hardly keep the spelling straight for their Ethiopian names! Please pray along with us as we ask God to be preparing their little hearts for their new family and that He would be preparing our hearts for our new additions.
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